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Give an "In Memory" Gift

Celebrate the life of a family member, friend or other loved one who has passed away by making an "In Memory" Gift to Lighthouse Mission. Your gift will honor the legacy of your loved one by supporting the Mission's Food Outreaches and Youth Programs, which bring the Good News of Jesus to struggling Long Island families.


Choose your Gift Amount & tell us who you're remembering. The Mission will even send a special "In Memory" Card to their immediate family.

Give an "In Memory" Gift

  • If you would like to have the Mission send an "In Memory" card detailing your donation, please provide the name of the person being remembered and the address for their immediate family. Our team will send a card to their address as soon as your donation goes through.

  • If you'd like to directly cover the full cost of a Lighthouse Mission program or one of the needs around our warehouse, choose an option from the "Adopt a Program" box. The exact cost of this need will be added to your donation & will be mentioned in the card that we send to your loved one.

    For more information about "adopting" programs, please visit:

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